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Eight foods that “destroy” the signs of aging

Восемь продуктов, которые "уничтожают" признаки старенияNamed the best products for rejuvenating the body.

What foods are good and which on the contrary, all of us have long been well known.

Berries. Contained in berries antioxidants and pectin, protect the body from free radicals and toxins that can slow cell damage and aging. And rich in lutein and bilberry zeaxanthin is a good prevention of age-related changes of the retina.

Fish. To cook fish in the oven, or cooking, to preserve valuable omega-3 fatty acids.

Tomatoes are healthier eaten raw, although in the tomato paste contains more lycopene than fresh fruit. It is the lycopene affects the production of collagen and elastin that improves skin condition.

Brown rice, cane sugar and brown bread. These products will help to reduce the risk of type II diabetes. In a week eat just two servings of brown rice.

Nuts. Due to the content of selenium, nuts can rejuvenate the intellect for 10 years, provided that you will eat at least a few pieces a day.

Olive oil, fish, vegetables, a bit of dry wine. Such a diet common in the Mediterranean countries, women whose age slower than European women, and that is because they eat more healthy food.

Green tea with lemon. Chinese scientists have shown that the biological age of fans of green tea an average of 5 years less than those who do not like this drink. And lemon juice is necessary to the body better assimilate the nutrients contained in green tea.

The vegetables and fruits. To retain more nutrients, cook vegetables on the grill or cook in the oven. But to store vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator better, because in the light, at room temperature destroyed one of the most valuable vitamins, vitamin C.

Remember that saturated fats containing products (including palm and coconut oils) must not be more than one third of all intake of fat. And sugar should be not more than 15 g per 100 g of any of the finished product. And, if you care about your health, eliminate from the diet of pastry, containing dangerous TRANS fats.

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