Home / Incredible / Earth has predicted a collision with an asteroid-the murderer

Earth has predicted a collision with an asteroid-the murderer

Земле предсказали столкновение с астероидом-убийцейAnother threat from space.

The portal “news of the planet” reported on approaching the Earth a huge asteroid.

The result of a collision with them can destroy our planet.

Now at a distance of 15 million kilometers from Earth is a large asteroid. The outer diameter of the body 1997 XF11 about 2.5 miles. Scientists believe that a collision can occur after 12 years.

The fall of an asteroid to Earth will lead to global catastrophe. Now nobody knows exactly whether will attract the gravitational force of the Earth comic body to his. Experts from NASA have engaged in active study of this problem. They are looking for a means to counter the asteroid.

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