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Drowning in modesty

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Bad with money, apparently, at all. The Orthodox Church, apparently, too. Because the last orders of Patriarch Kirill are somewhat unexpected.

To the staves of the abbots was simple, and not gold; that the monks worked in the monastery there for the down payment and pay, and in the name of God, although some pocket money they needed – not the same one Holy Spirit to eat; to pray more and worked, and not talking on the phone and shirked monastic Affairs on the pretext of fulfilling the worldly Affairs. That is, the Patriarch calls for savings! We ought, incidentally, to look at these staves – what rarity is this? I still didn’t develop feelings that our Holy fathers are drowning in modesty.

As a matter of course that they look presentable and rich. What the Patriarch calls “jewelry trinkets” is part of the uniform and lifestyle. Some compensation for the renunciation of many secular pleasures. And staff this should not only with diamonds and pearls, but with a screw knob that you unscrewed it and inside staff another surprise was. But, it turns out that it is not necessary. Just a staff of simple wood, and nothing more. Does not work for pocket money, and because the work in the monastery gives you joy. And the seventh IPhone to serve the Lord is not mandatory – you can do keypad “Nokia” for fifteen thousand. But something confused me in the words of the Patriarch. And then I realized that. He said: “I did not bless the Abbot to turn the rods at the Patriarchal”. That is, the Patriarchal scepter can still be with the trinkets? With gold and stones? As some compensation for abandoning many worldly pleasures and honorable but heavy burden of the Primate?

But here I put a simple experiment. Open Google and in search box write: Patriarch Kirill. The first three options, which offers Yandex to me sound kind of “Patriarch on a yacht with girls”, “Patriarch Kirill biography of his family and children”, “Patriarch Kirill and jap photo. Do you understand? Don’t know if there was a sign of His Holiness with the crime boss Yaponchik and did with them together. But families and children of the Patriarch to officially. The girls on the boat, thank God, it did not see. But this is not the notion of someone – people want to know about the head of the Church in the first place. But if you dig a little deeper, they are interested in his magical clock, which as if was not on hand, but which was reflected on the polished table; the nanopyl in the apartment of a mysterious relative who wanted to put the world neighbors above, so recklessly started repairs in the House on the embankment. These stories will not indicate modesty in everyday life and monastic humility. Is the reputation. Perhaps distorted, but already established. Therefore, we can say the Holy father the same as talking to mere mortals: start any good business with yourself. Change yourself and people around you will change too.

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