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Doctors told that “kills” brain cells

Медики рассказали, что «убивает» клетки мозга5 things that kill brain cells.

The human brain is one of the most complex and important organs of the body, and it needs quality prevention.

The experts identified 5 things that are slowly killing brain cells.


Tobacco smoke contains carbon monoxide. It is potentially deadly because joins Homam blood and allows them to carry oxygen to other organs, including the brain. The lack of oxygen in the brain and kills its cells, as stressed by scientists.


Conducted by experts from the Rutgers University study showed that even moderate alcohol consumption (more at weekends, less on weekdays) damage the structural integrality of the adult brain and reduces the production of its cells by approximately 40%.


Almost all fruits and vegetables that we buy today in stores contain high amounts of pesticides. It is known that these substances affect the brain cells and even cause death of neurons.


Experts in the field of treatment of diseases of the lungs the claim that emissions cause a sustained inflammation of the Airways that lead to the death of brain cells from lack of oxygen delivered there.

Obstructive sleep apnea

This sleep disturbance leads to death of brain cells from lack of oxygen. In case of violation of breathing during sleep the brain does not receive enough oxygen to maintain health and viability of the cells.

Note that almost all abovementioned factors are modifiable, that is, the power of man to significantly reduce the severity of or even get rid of it, thus protecting the health of your brain.

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