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Doctors told how to survive the flu season

Врачи подсказали, как пережить сезон простуд Prevention is better than cure.

Autumn for many of us associated with last warm days of Indian summer, velvet season at sea. But autumn is the season of colds. The incidence of viral infections in autumn is twice than in winter and spring. Prevention is cheaper than long-term treatment. You requires just 7 simple rules to not get sick in the fall.

7 simple tips will not only make Your “immune shield” against colds and flu stronger, but also resist many diseases neprosteno character.

Don’t get carried away with diets!
The human body daily spends an enormous amount of energy to maintain physiological needs.

It should be noted that the energy reserves are not limitless, so the food must reach a sufficient amount of protein, vitamins, mineral complexes, which are necessary to maintain metabolic processes. Fall is not recommended diet, as this predisposes to the depletion of the body.

If you wish to stick to a certain diet to correct weight, consult a dietitian, who will make a proper nutritional regime. To avoid wasting time looking for the doctor, not to stand in tedious queues in the clinics, use the online service records of patients in private clinics of Ukraine likarni.com and just 8 minutes make an appointment with a nutritionist for a consultation.

To ventilate the apartment
Regular access to fresh air in the room allows you to provide the body with sufficient oxygen. It is necessary for cell activity, and energy production. Each of us has experienced “oxygen starvation or hypoxia in a stuffy room I want to sleep, she feels worse. All this testifies to the insufficient flow of oxygen to the brain.

Yes, hardening is not the most favorite of our sessions, as it is cold and wet. But!

Regular “training” of the body using contrast showers help to develop a resistance to low temperatures, sudden weather changes, atmospheric pressure.

And it is not so important which variant of the sport You prefer. The main thing — that these exercises were not debilitating. Heavy physical exertion only depletes the body, which is not true of metered training. Especially useful in swimming, Cycling, Jogging, morning exercise in the fresh air.

Dress, in the end, warmer!
With the onset of chilly evenings you need to dress warmer, as hypothermia to anything good will not.

Wash your hands!
Surely You remember the advice of the famous “Moidodyr” since childhood. Personal hygiene is one of the key rules of effective prevention of any infectious diseases.

For the prevention of infection requires frequent hand washing, especially before eating, after visiting public places. Avoid contact with people who have cold-related disease are in the acute phase (marked sneezing, pyrexia, cough).

Deal with their chronic problems
In the presence of chronic infectious foci (sinusitis, pharyngitis, pyelonephritis) in the autumn increases the risk of exacerbation. In connection with this advance, it is recommended to take care of preventive examination by a doctor (an otolaryngologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist). Save time finding a doctor online service patient records likarni.com.

Ode to the prevention…
We forget about weather changes, the restructuring of our body that predisposes to decreased immune protection. The result is increased risk of infection, development of colds. We go for a walk in summer clothes, forgetting about the coolness of autumn in the evening, we continue to enjoy cold drinks, ice cream, thus further exposing the attack our immune system. A logical question arises, how not to get sick in the fall.

Prevention of SARS and other respiratory diseases should begin long before the beginning of the cold period. You need to prepare immunity to changes in temperature, humidity, windy weather.

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