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Doctors told how to prepare your child for testing

Врачи подсказали, как подготовить ребенка к сдаче анализовFor the children it’s real stress.

Before you go for testing with your child, you should talk to him. If the parents remain calm and equanimity, and the little patient perceives the procedure without fear. In some cases, the help of analogy. For example, the analysis of sensations can be compared to a mosquito bite. Such comparisons are understandable to the child and help to set it to peaceful delivery of the analysis. For very young patients, the laboratory at the time of blood sampling is good to use distraction manipulation. For example, to attract the child’s attention to the toy.

Ideally, if the blood in a young patient will be taken not from a finger but from the vein. The fact that blood sampling from the finger, the nurse had to put pressure on the finger. This can lead to hemolysis – destruction of red blood cells in the sample. Due to hemolysis, the result of the analysis may be incorrect. Samples of venous blood hemolysis occurs in many times less. Another reason – in case of any damage to the vessel triggers the formation of a clot. Venous blood is not in contact with air and is fed directly into a vial where it is mixed with an anticoagulant that prevents clot formation. In capillary blood, the risk of microshadow that reduce the accuracy of research, much higher.

Taking blood from a vein is a safe and almost painless procedure that does not cause any serious discomfort. Modern disposable vacuum systems for blood sampling allow to take the blood very quickly – the child will never to feel. In any case, very important the professionalism of the medical staff. The painlessness of the procedure depends on the qualification and experience, as well as the degree of relaxation of the child patient.

If to speak about practical training to the analysis, the rules of preparation of blood for children and adults alike. You can often find a warning about the need to avoid physical and emotional stress on the eve of blood donation. This means, among other things, the importance of good sleep. The child should sleep. Lack of sleep significantly affects the metabolism. A blood test done after a restful sleep, and analysis after a sleepless night may show different results.

In some cases, a blood test should be taken only at certain times of the day. Accordingly, if you need to check to rerun the same analysis, blood must be the same. The day before donating blood it is necessary to refrain from exercise. They can cause exceedances of reference values of biochemical parameters of blood. Heavy loads affect indicators such as alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine kinase and myoglobin

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