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Doctors told how to ease a hangover

Медики рассказали, как облегчить похмельеA hangover occurs after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Doctors say that if people used “extra” at the table, then in the morning it can quickly lead to himself. To do this, just enough to drink (without alcohol) and a walk.

These two procedures a hangover greatly facilitated. But traditional eggs with pepper and salt, and bath, may not have the desired effect.

Many fans of the holiday feasts have in their Arsenal a set of methods to combat morning hangover, and such methods typically of folk origin have effective results. But some of them, for example vodka with egg and tomato juice can on the contrary be harmful.

The main cause of hangovers and its unpleasant symptoms is intoxication or simply poisoning, which occurs after an overdose of alcohol.

Dose after consumption of a hangover which, as a rule, does not occur should not exceed 45 grams of pure alcohol and half a glass of vodka or two glasses of wine.

The best means they shall walk, drink pickle juice or mineral water, eating low-fat food, and taking a certain amount of adsorbing substances such as activated carbon.

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