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Doctors suggested who are facing hearing loss

Медики подсказали, кому грозит ухудшение слухаHearing problems can be prevented, so say medical professionals.

Over the years, the human ear can tolerate changes for the worse. Often we can meet an elderly person who is already in 65-70 years can not hear one, or even two ears. In some cases, hearing deteriorates at a very young age, but not just so, and due to some certain reasons. It is about them and told the doctors that all had the opportunity to take care of your hearing in advance, when there are no preconditions to ensure that the quality of hearing will deteriorate in a few years.

Who faces a hearing impairment:

1. People who have had severe diseases such as: influenza, meningitis, measles, mumps, and others. Especially adversely affect the hearing may otitis media, if time does not cure and he will give complications.

2. Various injuries of the ears can make you hard of hearing or even deaf. And here we are talking not only about the injuries during sport activities or accidents, and of the banality of wrong ear cleaning, a cotton swab or other object (toothpicks and matches) the damaged inner ear.

3. Foreign objects in the ear canal can permanently get rid of the ability to hear. These include insects, water, toys, etc.

4. Long stay in the headphones causing irreparable damage to hearing. Therefore, physicians recommend the use of headphones only in extreme cases when other options other than no person.

5. Those who are listening to music at high volume and production workers, where all the time noisy. These factors completely “kill” the hearing, so listening to music at a lower volume, and getting a “noisy” production, it should be remembered that over time your hearing will not be over.

In any case, all people have the opportunity to improve hearing or to prevent the irreversible process of deterioration. First and foremost, we should try to exclude all the above causes that negatively affect the health of the ears and as a result, the quality of hearing. Secondly, it is important at least once a year to be examined by an otolaryngologist who is able to see any abnormalities at an early stage and to help the patient to get rid of it.

Doctors recommend adjust to hearing with hearing aid, if you already have any violations. But there are people who are ashamed to wear such a device, thereby destroying their chances to re-hear everything. In the brain of the patient at this time, there is a complete withdrawal from certain sounds and if not treated, hearing will deteriorate even more.

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