Home / Medicine / The doctors said the main reason for the formation of sulfuric plugs

The doctors said the main reason for the formation of sulfuric plugs

Врачи назвали главную причину образования серной пробкиFew people know what may form a blockage and how to prevent its occurrence in the ear.

Cerumen is able to deliver a lot of inconvenience to the man, because he practically ceases to hear on one side. To remove cerumen in the home, but only with caution, and it is best to go to the reception to the audiologist, which is quick and painless eliminate this problem. Although, it is much easier to prevent the formation of cerumen, than then to search for methods for their removal.

How much we know about proper ear cleaning from sulfur and dust?

In fact, doctors are sounding the alarm because people ignore all kinds of rules and guidance of the professionals. They clean ears matches, toothpicks and other items that can not only bring an infection in the ear, but to injure the ear canal or eardrum. By the way, is no less dangerous and are cotton swabs that are actually designed to clean the ears.

Cotton swabs provoke the formation of cerumen!

Doctors recommend to remove from the Arsenal of personal hygiene items, cotton swabs, because they are the cause of the formation of cerumen. Day by day people pushes the earwax deep in the ear, which in turn causes the tube, to get which the means at hand will not succeed. To eliminate it need a special syringe, or water drops.

It turns out that the safest, as everyone thinks, the method of cleansing the ears from the sulphur and impurities of other origin have been even more dangerous than you can imagine. Especially, doctors recommend not to clean the ears with sticks, infants and children, as they are when you can’t hear everything around because of cerumen may become restless and cry the whole time and was not able to explain.

How then to clean your ears?

Doctors advise to clean the ear edge towels or cloth napkins, but only in the ear. Deep to climb fingers in the ear canal how to clean the ears of a variety of sticks, matches, and other items, is strongly desirable.

If you have a blockage and you have bad hearing, contact your doctor. If it is possible to go to the hospital, a tube in the ear discomfort, try to wash the ear with warm running water, perhaps it will help you.

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