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Itching in the ears: causes and treatment

Зуд в ушах: причины и лечениеFor the emergence of this disease, there are a lot of reasons.

This situation most likely related to a fungal infection or ear mites.

Sometimes itching in one ear associated with sulfuric tube, which irritates the skin of the external auditory canal and eardrum.

These diseases require different treatment, to which only the doctor.

The causes and mechanism of development of fungal otitis

Otitis media may be bacterial, viral and fungal origin. Itching in the ear usually appears fungal infections of the outer or middle ear – external and middle otitis. Pathogens infections are most often fungal species fungi Aspergillus and Penicillium, and yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.

All kinds of fungal infection very much in the environment. And yet the fungi rarely cause disease: the person makes a normally functioning immune system. But it is necessary to decrease the immunity, as the fungi begin to multiply and penetrate the superficial layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

The overall immunity can be reduced by immunodeficiency, after any severe illness, operations, stress, some treatment methods (e.g. chemo – and radiotherapy in cancer patients), medication (e.g., glucocorticoid hormones), long-term antibiotics (immune function of the intestine is reduced on the background of dysbiosis).

Local immunity is often reduced after undergoing bacterial otitis or operations on the ENT organs.
Fungal infection often develops in the external auditory canal. This contributes to the frequent cleansing of the external auditory canal with cotton swabs. It injures the skin, leaves a small abrasion, which are the gateway for the introduction of a fungal infection in the body. Sometimes, the process goes to the eardrum and middle ear. In some cases, a fungal infection that initially affects the nose and throat, and then the Eustachian tube enters the middle ear region.

Symptoms of fungal otitis

Fungal otitis media often occurs in one ear, but sometimes there is bilateral involvement. One of the first symptoms is itching in the ear, which can gradually increase and be combined with not too much nagging ear pain. Appear malaise and weakness – frequent signs of any fungal infection.

In the long course of the disease begins to decline the hearing. Initially, this congestion of the ear, which takes some time, but gradually the hearing may decline steadily, there is noise in the ear, especially if the patient lies on the affected side.

From the external opening can receive different kinds of selection. Often they are liquid, colorless but may be yellow, even brown – it all depends on the type of infection. But sometimes a fluid discharge from the ear are missing, instead of their ear stand out or crumb crust.

Treatment of fungal otitis

When there is itching in the ear, causes and treatment of the disease will be able to establish and conduct a doctor. To do this, the doctor will conduct a mechanical inspection of the outer ear and eardrum, and produces the sampling of secretions from the ear to conduct laboratory research.

After the establishment of the final diagnosis assigned antifungal drugs General and local action, immunomodulators, vitamin-mineral complexes and other restorative means.
The treatment begins with cleansing of the ear from the products of inflammation. It is better if this procedure is initially performed by the physician and then it can make the patient himself. Cleansing should be carried out with a cotton swab soaked in antifungal solution. Suitable solutions Acteria, Clotrimazole, Amphotericin. Then 1% solution Acteria buried in the ear and the patient lies on the opposite side for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day for a week, then once a day for 3-5 weeks. Instead of the solution you can apply 1% cream drug zistan.

Sometimes only local treatment is not enough. In this case, the prescribed antifungal drugs General (systemic) action.

Treat the itching in the ear caused by other reasons

Treatment of pruritus in the ear depends on the cause that caused it. So, if you have ear tubes, it is removed in the office of ENT. If itching in the ear was caused by ear mites, then apply a special drugs that suppress its activity. For example, Demodex mite treated using Metronidazole cream. Itching in the ear caused by allergic process, it is possible to remove the gel Fenistil. In any case, than to treat itching in the ear can only tell the audiologist.

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