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Doctors suggested to drink coffee without harm to health

Врачи подсказали, как пить кофе без вреда для здоровья This aromatic drink has both pluses and minuses.

For many of us the morning starts with a Cup of coffee. However, having drunk a SIP, we often ask the question: is it harmful?..

Scientists think that 2-3 cups of coffee a day will not bring the body any harm. Only drink it after food and not on an empty stomach.


Coffee increases stamina. Caffeine stimulates the Central nervous system and improves brain function. 1-2 cups of coffee a day help you to focus and tune into business harmony.

Has a mild diuretic effect. This can be useful for those who often faced with edema and for women during the premenstrual syndrome.

Improves mood. Just one Cup of coffee increases the level of endorphins in the blood. It is these substances that give us a feeling of joy.

Protects teeth from caries. Despite the fact that coffee stains tooth enamel in yellow, drink prevents the staphylococci to attach to the surface of teeth. So drink coffee, but do not forget to regularly clean the plaque in the dentist’s office.

The arguments “AGAINST”

Threat core. Caffeine makes the heart beat faster and raises blood pressure. So those who suffer from hypertension, it is not necessary to abuse an invigorating drink.

Makes bones brittle. Coffee prevents the body to absorb calcium. Therefore it is better to add in a little Cup of milk to compensate for the loss.

Interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins. Strong coffee, drunk on an empty stomach, increases the acidity of gastric juice and interferes with the absorption of vitamins. So better not to start Breakfast with a Cup of coffee, and to finish the meal with coffee.


How to choose depends on how you will cook it.

For cooking in the Turk suit grain finely.

For the coffee maker, choose a coarser grind.

Instant coffee is better not to buy at all. No use of this drink will bring.

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