Home / Medicine / Doctors suggested that anyone should eat foods rich in folic acid

Doctors suggested that anyone should eat foods rich in folic acid

Медики подсказали, кому надо есть продукты, богатые фолиевой кислотойMost people wonder underestimate folic acid and its properties.

Usually no one thinks about what substances are beneficial for human body and health and also what foods they are contained. Only at the reception of a doctor we may hear a recommendation about nutrition and vitamins that are necessary for us at some point in time.

About folic acid, useful component contained in foods, most women know when they come to the antenatal clinic to get registered for pregnancy or to find out from the experts the rules of preparation for conception. The fact that folic acid is useful for all people, but in dire need of pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those diagnosed with “anemia”.

In fact, folic acid is a mega-useful in vitamin B9, which is directly involved in the production of new blood cells. Plus, with a sufficient number of this vitamin is a powerful support to the immune system, so that a person can not take care of the reliable protection of your body against viruses and infections. As people are diagnosed with anemia and pregnant women have weakened immune systems and even a weak virus can literally shoot them down with your feet, your intake of folic acid is vital.

Foods that contain folic acid:

– med;

– beef liver and cod liver oil;

– broccoli, asparagus, green beans and all the other green vegetables;

– apricot;

– yeast;

– tomatoes and juice from them.

Of course, the content of folic acid in tablets is much prevailing than in food, but doctors still advise to consume organic foods, as the benefit from them more. Moreover, the list of products containing vitamin B9, available almost all year round. Summer fruits and vegetables, which in winter could not be found, it is recommended to freeze. This way long-term storage of fresh food allows you to preserve all vitamins.

What can happen if the body of a pregnant woman, a deficit of folic acid?

Can cause neural tube defects in the unborn child. Doctors have repeatedly noted the development of hydrocephalus and other congenital malformations that could be avoided if pregnant took folic acid.

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