Home / Medicine / Doctors have named the main causes of the development of cholecystitis

Doctors have named the main causes of the development of cholecystitis

Врачи назвали главные причины развития холециститаPreventive measures against cholecystitis reduce the list of reasons for the development of the disease.

Cholecystitis is often called the inflammation of the gall bladder in the form of complications, not a separate disease. Its symptoms are similar with symptoms of various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. The only difference is a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, in fact this is the symptom doctors “first aid” and determine the diagnosis.

In case of cholecystitis may be a manifestation of such symptoms:

1. The increase in body temperature to 37-38 degrees Celsius, but in the form of acute cholecystitis gives high temperature.

2. Nausea and vomiting, not associated with food poisoning.

3. Abdominal pain on the right side is observed in acute cholecystitis, but may be present if the form of this inflammation is chronic.

4. Dark urine and light color stool indicate problems in the body. These symptoms inherent in the disease of the liver and gallbladder.

5. Insomnia caused some abdominal discomfort. There must be an explanation, so that the delay the doctor’s visit is not necessary.

With such symptoms, especially if they often appear and complement each other, it is necessary to check the liver and gall bladder the presence of stones and possible inflammatory process. Thus the patient can quickly begin treatment and get rid of pain in the shortest time. Physicians offer inpatient treatment, so that people were for some time under the supervision of professionals and not aggravated the situation in any way, for example, a poor diet.

Main causes of cholecystitis:

1. Eating too fatty “heavy” food rich in carcinogenic fats.

2. Starvation. This so-called method of rapid weight loss is fraught with consequences, in particular, the development of cholecystitis.

3. Physical inactivity or lack of exercise.

4. Stones in the gallbladder causing inflammation of its walls, which in fact is called cholecystitis.

5. Bile stasis due to the pathological structure of the gallbladder and its ducts. The reason for this is not characteristic of all patients diagnosed with “cholecystitis”, but only for those who from birth has a special structure of the gallbladder.

By the way, pain for chronic and acute cholecystitis is different. If the form of acute, sharp pain, and if chronic cholecystitis, the pain can be called dull, aching and so on.

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