Home / Medicine / Doctors called the real causes of a hangover

Doctors called the real causes of a hangover

Медики назвали настоящие причины похмельяMixing drinks is not the cause of hangover.

Often times, waking up in the morning after the “successful” partying with symptoms of severe hangover man blames eve mixing different types of alcohol.

But recent studies of American scientists claim that it is not so.

It is well known that lead to a hangover are two main factors: excessive amount of alcohol drunk and some biologically active substances present in alcoholic beverages.

With regard to the amount of alcohol taken, then all is clear: the more ethyl alcohol entered the body, the more acute will be felt hungover. From a biological point of view, it comes from dehydration, hormonal balance (especially hormones aldosterone and cortisol) and the toxic effect on the organism alcohol and products of its metabolism in the body.

However, we all know that with the same amount of alcohol consumed (in terms of pure alcohol) morning the severity of discomfort depends on the type of beverage. For more striking effect is created by special substances called congeners. They occur in alcoholic drink due to enzymatic processes during production. Main of them are: acetaldehyde, acetone, fusel oils and tannins. Last fall into alcohol when ageing it in oak barrels and give it a special color and flavor.

It is well known that a certain percentage of people is almost not affected by the symptoms of a hangover. Danish researchers conducted a study among young volunteers. It turned out that a third of them after drinking two liters of beer or four glasses of wine have not experienced any unpleasant symptoms. The exact cause of this phenomenon, doctors still can not install.

Another study conducted by the American scientists. They made up the experimental group of students who regularly consumed alcohol, but unrelated to pathological addiction. They were divided into three groups. One gave Bourbon mixed with Cola. Another vodka and coke. The third group was the control, she was given a placebo: they were given Cola with tonic and a few drops of alcohol to give a specific taste. Thus, the representatives of first two groups received the same dose of pure ethanol.

In the morning subjects find out being. It turned out that the worst of all feel, those who drank Bourbon and coke. However, tests for speed of reaction they performed equally with the representatives of the second group.

Scientists concluded that regularly drinking adequately assess their degree of intoxication. First, they somewhat overestimate their condition, but after the first doses of alcohol on the contrary – they underestimate the depth of intoxication and consume larger amounts of alcohol. It also became clear that the severity of a hangover to a greater extent is determined by the amount of alcohol consumed and not related to the mixing of different drinks.

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