Home / Science and technology / DNA testing confirmed the guilt of Europeans for the genocide of Indians

DNA testing confirmed the guilt of Europeans for the genocide of Indians


For research scientists recovered fragments of DNA extracted from nearly a hundred of the Inca mummies and bones members of other aboriginal tribes of America

Анализ ДНК подтвердил вину европейцев в геноциде индейцев
Nordisk familjebok / Commons.wikimedia.org

Scientists from the University of Adelaide, studied the DNA of several populations of ancient Indians, proved that the reason of sharp reduction of the number of indigenous peoples of America was the arrival of Europeans and diseases of the Old world, RIA Novosti reported.

Анализ ДНК подтвердил вину европейцев в геноциде индейцев

Without an ultrasound and blood test. As to the Indian tribes treat the disease

The expert group under the leadership of the Bastien Llamas conducted a study “resurrected” DNA of Indians, restoring fragments of DNA extracted from nearly a hundred of the Inca mummies and bones members of other aboriginal tribes of America


“Surprisingly, none of the studied genomes, we found the remains of over a hundred ancient Indians, did not leave their traces in the DNA of the aboriginal people of America.

The only scenario that fits observations – complete disappearance of isolated from each other populations of Indians after they began to contact with Europeans,” said the scientist.

The researchers analyzed mitochondrial DNA is a small segment of the genome contained within mitochondria, the cells power stations, and transmitted, together with these organelles from mother to child.

Using parts of the mitochondrial genome, experts have determined that the ancestors of the Indians virtually had no contact with each other after initial settlement in the New World, divided into isolated groups of about 8-9 thousand years ago.

In this form they existed in fact before the beginning of the New time, after which all the ancient haplogroup of mitochondrial DNA is completely gone.

This result suggests that the mass media ceased to exist, dead or disease, or violent means.

Earlier, a group of scientists from Harvard University conducted a large-scale study of the remains of Indians from the time of Columbus found that most of them became extinct immediately after the coming of Europeans and their diseases, and after about a century after the discovery of the New world.

As it turned out, the extinction began immediately after the advent of the conquerors from the Old world, and about one hundred years after this.

Over the next 60 years the population has decreased by 86%, and the settlements were abandoned.

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