Home / Incredible / Discovered ancient mosaics Noah’s ark

Discovered ancient mosaics Noah’s ark

Обнаружены древние мозаики с Ноевым ковчегомSome of the fragments as well there are images of soldiers who absorb a huge fish.

During the excavations of the synagogue in the ancient city Hukok in Israel, sea of Galilee, archeologists from several universities in the world was discovered a mosaic which depicts the biblical stories about Noah’s Ark and parting to the Jewish people of the Red sea.

Scientists believe that these scenes — a rarity in this together, and until this discovery they were discovered quite a bit. This was reported on the website of the Daily Mail.

Mosaic adorns the floor of the nave of the synagogue of the V century, built during the Roman Empire. It depicts soldiers of the Egyptian Pharaoh with overturned chariots, horses, which swallows a huge fish.

In addition, among the mosaic images can be detected scenes from the story of Noah’s Ark, represented by pairs of different animals, including elephants, leopards, donkeys, snakes, bears, lions, ostriches, camels, sheep and goats. According to the head of the excavation Jody Magness, these scenes are a great rarity for ancient synagogues.

In Haloce excavations are conducted each summer since 2012. Previously it was discovered mosaics depicting biblical stories: Samson and his foxes, and Samson, carrying on their shoulders the gates of Gaza.

In addition, the excavation site was discovered a scene that contains a Hebrew inscription surrounded by human figures, animals and mythical creatures.

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