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Depression in the elderly – solutions to problems

Депрессия в преклонном возрасте - пути решения проблемыExperts share important information targeted at people who are faced with age-related depression.

Closer to the retirement age many people lose the positive enthusiasm that accompanied them earlier. They have nothing of interest to think of meaning in life. Old age is approaching in leaps and bounds and to stop this process is impossible, therefore, from depressive disorders to disappear. Only a few people retire, manages to keep a twinkle in her eye and a desire to explore your life from the other side that were previously inaccessible.

Even deep depression does not make a man to go on reception to the therapist, so experts are happy to share tips that could help solve the mental health problems without leaving the comfort zone. In old age most people believe that they have no one to help, but as it turned out, it is not.

Ways out of depression in old age:

1. Find the activity that will be fun. Women can knitting, sewing, experimenting in the kitchen, delighting your loved ones with unusual and very tasty dishes. Men on pensions can afford to fish, for example, at least every day and especially if this occupation is like, but it was never enough time.

2. Walk-in guests to invite guests. If a person is retired, he can feel the acute shortage of communication with different people. Do not sit at home doing nothing. Psychologists advise to travel in the city visiting his old friends. Also, you can invite yourself to “spark” neighbours maintain good relations.

3. To devote time to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Games with young children, of course, quickly tire, but how many good feelings the grandparent might get some sort of half hour of your time — do not count! Many retirees are making a gross mistake, when you do not want to take care of their grandchildren and to help children, because it’s a great way to build relationships in the family and even to get out of depression.

4. A daily walk in the fresh air. Nature at any time of the year can be pleasing to the eye, therefore, if descended of a sudden the sadness and sorrow should get dressed and go outside to breathe fresh air and make sure once again that the world around is beautiful.

5. To attend various events. Museums, exhibitions, theatres, dancing for those over “50” and so on. If a person can walk without anyone’s help, then he needs to do it regularly. And in case when was added the depression – definitely need to try to include all available methods.

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