Home / Incredible / Curiosity found on Mars ancient sea shells

Curiosity found on Mars ancient sea shells

Curiosity нашел на Марсе древнейшие морские раковиныThis is another proof that when-that on Mars there was the ocean.

Pictures of the probe Curiosity never cease to be sensational.

Another study of a series of photographs transmitted to Earth, UFO researcher Scott Waring found traces of ancient life on the red planet.

In his opinion, the photographs depict the fossilized remains of sea shells. So on Mars were seas or oceans. Mainstream science is skeptical of such claims. Already many found in the images from Mars and sculptures, and of regular geometric shape.

It is believed that such artifacts can not be formed by natural causes. Some supporters of conspiracy theories and is subjected to the accuracy of the images Curiosity, which NASA posts on open access. The controversy surrounding the mission, the probe will not subside until now.

Skeptics are blamed on natural phenomena, ufologists find all the new inconsistencies with accepted theory.

Curiosity нашел на Марсе древнейшие морские раковины

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