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Created an application for those who are afraid to fly

Создано приложение для тех, кто боится летать на самолетеNew app to help cope with aerophobia.

The company Taktik Labs has created an app SkyGuru for aerotow. This mobile application is designed for people suffering from aerophobia, and will help them to cope with fear of flying.

Details about the program were published on his page in Facebook pilot Alex Hervas who took an active part in the development SkyGuru.
The program SkyGuru online explain to the passenger what was happening during the flight. The application uses the same aeronautical information that pilots, in advance by downloading them from the Internet. This allows SkyGuru to work in flight without connecting to the Network.

The app can predict turbulence to calculate the time of entry, duration and explain why they occur. The program also will take into account the weather conditions and will determine the time of flight. SkyGuru will advise you what seat to choose, the best time to go to boarding, explain why delayed flight. The app will help passengers aerofoam to cope with fear, using special techniques and exercises.

While SkyGuru only works with regular flights, but will continue to maintain and charters. The app is only available for iOS devices priced at $19.99.

Создано приложение для тех, кто боится летать на самолете

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