Home / Science and technology / Created a smart watch that can be controlled by gestures with their hands

Created a smart watch that can be controlled by gestures with their hands

Созданы умные часы, которыми можно управлять жестами с занятыми руками Researchers at Dartmouth have created a prototype WristWhirl.

Thanks to the smart watch touch gestures will be identified as commands on the sensor and thus resemble a joystick.

This mechanism can work even if the user’s hands are busy. Researchers at the oldest American University draw attention to the fact that the prototype significantly differs from existing smart watches that focus on motion control.

Thanks to 12 sensors in the bracelet and the piezoelectric vibration sensor, the accuracy of execution of commands is equal to over 90%. The novelty has already been tested in four categories: commands to gestures and control the player.

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