Home / Medicine / Cramping of leg muscles: a possible cause for the strange symptom

Cramping of leg muscles: a possible cause for the strange symptom

Судороги мышц ног: возможные причины странного симптомаLeg cramps is quite a common condition, the cause of which in most cases is not known.

A sudden spasm in the calf muscles probably felt by many.

This phenomenon is normal it happens rarely, and most often is not dangerous to life and health.

However, if seizures become permanent, should think about their causes and ways of getting rid of discomfort.

Most often, leg cramps are associated with overworking the muscles or dysfunction of the nerve endings during prolonged sitting or lying in not very comfortable positions, or as a consequence of impaired circulation. Such as easy to normalize, pomassirovti foot and changing posture.

To avoid frequent occurrences of leg cramps will help a lifestyle change. It is recommended to consume in the required amount of calcium, magnesium, vitamin D (on the advice of the doctor preformed vitamins); take a warm bath. Avoid excessive stress, do not overdo it. You should limit the consumption of salt. Foot massage by a specialist will relieve tension after a hard day or hard physical exertion.

There are a number of folk remedies to combat leg cramps, for example, a foot bath of a mixture of warm water, vinegar and honey. Lotions of lavender and ginger oil also helps to relieve muscle tension. From cramps in cold water will save the pin prick. But it happens that seizures interfere with normal human life, restful sleep when you several times a night Wake up from the unbearable and severe pain.

Frequent and prolonged seizures need to see a doctor, specialist to find out the true cause, will prescribe the necessary treatment. Tighten with a visit to the doctor should not be as frequent and prolonged cramps in the legs can be a symptom of several serious diseases: varicose veins, thrombosis of lower extremities, thyroid abnormalities, liver and other vital organs.

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