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Configure the internal clock

Настройте внутренние часыCompliance with the laws of internal time is a necessary condition for longevity.

Have you noticed how much easier it is to get up early in the morning in summer, when the light is already at 7 am? But on an overcast autumn day to get out of bed not even want after a good 8-hour sleep. All because your internal clock (circadian rhythms), guiding the regime of sleep and wakefulness, directly related to day length and light level.

The work of the internal clock manages a cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus of the brain. When the brain realizes that the world has become smaller, it sends a signal about the increase of melatonin synthesis. This hormone slows down the activity of the Central nervous system and the person begins to feel drowsy. When the morning light fills the room, the process is reversed: melatonin decreases, and the activity of the brain and body increases.

Circadian rhythms are governed not only by sleep and wakefulness. Recent studies have shown that, according to the biological clock, the best time for exercise and physical activity – from 15:00 to 18:00. In the period from 8:00 to 9:00 need to obtain or communicate good news, and around 14:00 the body needs a small NAP.

According to the theory of circadian rhythms, the division of people into owls and larks, is without Foundation. By nature we are all larks, just as there are those who accustomed themselves to sleep late and Wake up late. This mode, according to scientists, not really useful for your health, because it is not based on daily light cycle, and signals which man creates for himself artificially, thereby the brain is misleading.

Can the internal clock to affect the state of happiness? After a number of research scientists at the Korean University hospital sung-Choon-Hyang gave a positive answer to this question. They found that people who work shifts, for example day after two more prone to depression than those who work the usual 8-hour shift. Similarly, people who work in a dark, basement or other rooms without access to daylight, often complain of depression and bad mood.

Knock the settings circadian clock is very simple. You do not even need to move to another time zone – it’s time to start working late on weekdays, and on weekends and sleep until lunch.

How to set internal clock?

The best option is to go to bed as soon as it gets dark and Wake at first light. However, this mode is suitable only for summer. In winter, try to train yourself to go at the same time, but not later than 23:00, even on weekends.

Not vipadaia from such a rhythm more than a day. Linger at work or with friends until 3 in the morning can be no more than 2-3 times a month. A wild party on weekends disrupts the internal clock and lead to insomnia. So it is better to reduce them to a minimum.

Try to spend more time outside in the daytime. This will help keep good spirits until the evening. Besides vitamin D, which is produced by the action of sunlight, is vital to the body. Its deficiency causes muscle weakness, irritability, insomnia, fatigue and decreased libido. In autumn and winter, eat more foods rich in vitamin D (cheese, egg yolk, butter, dairy products) or take vitamin D drops.

In the evening you come home, do not turn on bright light. Don’t linger in front of the computer or TV. Dine better by candlelight. It’s not just romantic, but also contributes to the rapid falling asleep.

Work of the biological clock can be influenced by the signals and actions that are repeated from day to day. For example, a Wake-up call and a cool shower in the morning tone for an active day, a warm bath, dressing up in your favorite pajamas and a book in bed indicate that soon to sleep. Make such rituals.

Melatonin tablets will be the salvation for avid travelers and those who often fly to other time zones for work.

Debug your diet: eat every day at one time. Breakfast tight let it be and dinner is easy. A deep sleep, when the stomach is busy digesting a hearty meal, is quite difficult. In the end, you’ll be up half the night to toss and turn and not sleep.

Limit your intake of sugar. It causes the release of insulin in the blood, the level of which decreases as fast as increases. This so-called effect of yo-yo provokes the activation of the hormone cortisol, which in turn can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, irritability and rapid mood changes.

Do not rely on coffee. He gives a fleeting boost of energy, which will inevitably be a breakdown.

Always keep in mind that the vital rhythms are subject to certain laws. And rather than your peak activity coincides with work time, the better the result. This increases endurance and improves health. Any load, especially if the body is “fueled by” any stimulant, including medicinal, as a result can cause fatigue, and even cause neurosis.

Eating should also be certain times that coincide with the time of highest activity of the digestive system. Constantly ignoring this, you can easily earn stomach problems.

And our biorhythms can easily go astray when you change time zones. For example, during long air travel the human body is not right time to adapt to changes, while continuing to work in the old mode.

Compliance with the laws of internal time is a necessary condition for longevity. It is the rhythm allows us to feel in shape.

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