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Chrematistics and death

Хрематистика и смерть

“Since chrematistics is located next to the economy, people take it for the economy itself, but it is not the economy. Because chrematistics should not nature, and aimed at exploitation. It has the practice of usury, which for obvious reasons nenavidit, as it derives its profit from the money itself, and not of the things, to the spread which was introduced by the money. The money was supposed to facilitate trade, but usurious interest rates increases the money itself. So this kind of enrichment is the most perverse.”

— Aristotle. Policy

Хрематистика и смерть

Somehow caught a funny note “the Need of dependency”, in fact, such reasoning is not uncommon, this is a very typical case of misunderstanding when many people chrematistics has already replaced the economy and the immediate profit is seen as the natural and almost the only aspiration of any economic entity. Incidentally, in the above example, children could be considered at least as a long-term investment, but explicit dependents: sick, crazy, disabled, etc. – from the point of view of chrematistics, require immediate disposal. Nazis about it quickly guessed. Although, against the Communists, the author is absolutely wrong, the law against parasitism required employment for adults only healthy citizens, pensioners, invalids and other infirm fellow citizens in Soviet times, we cared much more than any other.

The worst thing is that at a certain stage of development of capitalism, from the perspective of chrematistics, the best business is death. If a common thug could take his victim only a few, most valuable: money, jewelry, cell phone…, state killers get everything. Especially when you kill whole families and peoples. All that he has created people for life, at the cost of his life, for children and grandchildren, all that was created by his ancestors after the murder, the state readily acknowledges their masters for the attribution, monetization and export of ready capital. For parasites there is nothing easier and more profitable for business to transform into money of lives.

If you carefully look at the story, it is the murder of the population is the main goal of almost all imperialist wars. Where there is a “strange war” with unclear objectives and the ongoing strange way, it’s all about the money, and all the “oddities” aimed at increasing victims and increase someone else’s profits. In addition to unpunished, shameless and almost limitless theft, which is inevitably accompanied by such a war, a huge benefit to the capital brings mass death, suffering and sorrow. The destruction of men, fathers and potential successors kind, allows capital to usurp their property, and the survivors to get to work for years without receiving fair compensation, under the pretext of military losses, or in part lost the war countries, under a bushel of fear of the wrath of the winners and guilt for their war crimes.

Although, it happens that the bourgeoisie can do without wars. In the short term, social genocide always to be a very profitable. In this case, the state killing people, even not necessary to arrange the bloodshed, enough to deprive a people of the future, to slander their past, to corrupt, to befuddle, to give vent to alcoholism and drug addiction… And people will die themselves, helpless to free resources created by their work and work of their ancestors for the impunity of looting parasites. Simply enter cannibalistic YU, to promote hedonism and “there is no need to produce poverty to the people themselves stopped by their kind and gave the greedy bastards all the wealth created by many generations of ancestors for them and their children. To make a wasted life and the death of millions of people so easily… For example, the destruction of the Soviet Union you can clearly see how tens of millions of Soviet people was killed in cold blood, to death, tortured by hunger and poverty, with enormous profits and benefits for parasites all over the world.

Now, in fact, the whole range of European culture (including now Russia), actually turns into a giant concentration camp in which the disposal of the population for the benefit of the capitalists, put on stream. And in case of attempts of resistance, the bourgeoisie is prepared for the people, fascism. The main ways of disposing of people, used by parasites:

1. Social genocide (the elimination of the system of social protection, the destruction of social infrastructure, education, medicine, the increase in the retirement age, etc., over-exploitation of the deceived population when people, even having a job and working honestly, have neither the time nor enough money to start a family and raise healthy children. If someone manages to create a family, because of overwork, they can’t devote enough time to the education of their offspring. In the actual absence of parents and nesamani education, children grow social orphans, and state structures are quite consciously trying to turn them into perfect slaves of capital, depriving even those rudiments of will and reason, which is still preserved in that of their parents).

2. Banksters, mortgages and loans (Enslave people, make slaves of capital, deprive them of the slightest social mobility and opportunities to leave offspring. There is an anecdote: “In the contest of contraceptives, with a huge margin to win the mortgage!”).

3. Microloans + collectors (Deprive people and their families last, deception and/or force, taking advantage of life’s difficulties, mistakes, or momentary weaknesses).

4. Realtors and the gang black realtors (Who are tricked and/or power deprive people of housing and other property, and often life).

5. Drug abuse and trafficking is a Network system built on the exploitation of human weaknesses, the desire to escape from a terrible reality. Addiction allows you not only to Rob the man and his family, but also forces the addict to commit any crime for a dose, until death. Moreover, the “drug treatment”, this is just one of the ways of pillaging the families of the addict within the same scheme).

6. Prostitution (System utilization of women whose bodies fraud, and/or power become a commodity. Closely associated with addiction (many prostitutes, pimps deliberately “planted” on drugs). At the same time, robs men of the incentive to start a family and thus contributes to the suppression of their birth and gives parasites the opportunity to assign the wealth created by the ancestors of childless men for them and their offspring. And, among other things, promotes the spread of the dreaded, and incurable diseases).

7. Transplantation (System full utilization of man, by making the goods of his body. Allows the rich parasites to extend their own lives, directly, at the expense of the lives of the poor).

8. Juvenile justice (YUYU) (Turns into a commodity of children. The system of selection, withdrawal from family and children. Closely linked to pedophilia and transplantation. Seized with YU kids, is one of the main sources of donor organs for pediatric transplantation (to prolong the life of the rich parasites and their sick children). In addition, is one of the main sources of children for adoption by wealthy perverts who corrupt them with impunity and used to satisfy his lust. All the activities of the YU is carried out on behalf of the state, under his auspices and with the support of the state power structures. One of the few industries recycling population where the bourgeois state directly participates in the recycling of its own population).

9. Sects (of Different organizations and structures created in order to capitalize on the people by deception and/or force is subjected to psychological and medical treatment, robbing them of their will and mind, with the purpose of withdrawing in favor of the hosts of the sect of the material values accumulated by them and their families, and/or for further over-exploited, or participation in terrorist activities, etc.).

10. Denazification, migration and tolerance (Destruction mechanisms of national identity from the constituent Nations, making them defenseless against the wild peoples migrated to the cultural centers tacitly encouraged. As a result, migrants easily displace the indigenous population of developed countries are actually participating in the genocide unleashed by their own European elites).

11. War (Apotheosis of the methods of disposal. Managed, rapid and radical mutual destruction of “excess” population, and the assignment of parasites of all that was created by the ancestors of the dead for them and their descendants. In addition, speculation of military necessity used by parasites to justify social genocide and total political terror. Organized and carried out directly by the state authorities, on behalf of the state).

The destruction of any human being, especially upon the interruption of the kind, when people do not leave after itself descendants, the state and big capital in his person, is able to assign and monetize absolutely all the achievements and all the property created by his ancestors. Therefore, in modern capitalist States, the government not only does not prevent recycling of the population, but also strongly contributes to (and sometimes even engaged in outright zhivoderstvo). Of course, in the long run, such a policy is suicidal, however, capitalist society at the present (final) stage of development can’t find the strength to refuse such a simple and profitable business, as the destruction of the people. No the future is not capitalism, so the carnage will continue as long as the population did not rise, and do not overthrow the cannibalistic power, or not run out, obediently allowing himself to destroy

Хрематистика и смерть

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