Home / Incredible / China launched the world’s first quantum satellite

China launched the world’s first quantum satellite

Китай запустил первый в мире квантовый спутникThe unit will conduct a test of the quantum teleportation between a ground station in Tibet and companion.

Satellite in space launched rocket Long March-2D launch vehicle from the Jiuquan satellite launch center on Tuesday, August 16, 1.40 (20.40 in Kiev Monday).
The device is called Mo zi (Micius) in honor of the Chinese philosopher and scholar who lived in the fifth century BC, which was considered to be the first in the history of mankind conducted optical experiments.

It weighs over 600 pounds and will be in a sun-synchronous orbit altitude of 500 km, its orbital period around the Earth would be 90 minutes.

With the help of scientists will be able to test quantum key distribution between satellite and ground stations and to practice conducting protected communication sessions between Beijing and Urumqi.

Also during the mission will investigate the mechanism of quantum entanglement and a test of quantum teleportation between a ground station in Tibet and companion.

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