Home / Science and technology / China launched its first satellite mobile communication system

China launched its first satellite mobile communication system

Китай запустил свой первый спутник системы мобильной связиIt is expected that the system will provide a stable mobile communication services in any weather and under any conditions, China and adjacent countries.

On the night of August 6 in China from the Baikonur “Xichang” was launched satellite “Tiantong-1” (Tiantong-01) with the help of the carrier rocket “chanchzhen-3B.
As reported by “Gordon” with reference to the Chinese Agency Xinhua, this is the first launched by China’s domestic satellite systems for mobile communications.

It is expected that ground-based mobile communication system will form a single network that will provide reliable and stable mobile communication services in any weather and under any conditions, China, surrounding countries, Middle East and Africa, as well as in most parts of the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Satellite “Tiantong-1” (Tiantong-01) fully developed and manufactured in China.

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