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Cheerful morning without coffee: easy ways easy lifting

Бодрое утро без кофе: простые способы легкого подъемаHow easy it is to Wake up in the morning: 5 tips.

Gentle Wake up in the morning for many an impossible task. Be honest, who of you gets up after the first alarm?..

And after all, what mood we Wake up depends on the rest of the day.

Experts advise how easy it is to Wake up early in the morning and enjoy their reflection in the mirror.

Tip 1: get up immediately after waking up

It is proved that long lying in bed after you woke up, impact not only on our health but on appearance. Firstly, this morning habit of not fills you with energy, but on the contrary causes drowsiness and apathy. Secondly, according to cosmetologists, the longer the body remains in a horizontal position, the slower it accelerates lymph circulation, and so, swelling of the face will be visible.

Tip 2: after waking drink a glass of water with lemon

Even if you are used to start their morning with a Cup of coffee, remember is to accelerate the exchange of substances only with water. In addition, water with lemon is energizing, strengthens the immune system, normalizes blood pressure and stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. So if you do not suffer high acidity of the stomach, welcome to the world of cheerful people!

Tip 3: do workout

This can be a complex exercise for 10-15 minutes, and small five-minute workout for the whole body. Physical activity in the morning will help get rid of bad mood triggers the metabolic processes in the body will support the physical shape and will be a great tool in the fight against chronic fatigue syndrome.

Tip 4: take a contrast shower

This ritual will not only help you to Wake up, but will affect overall health. In particular, a contrast shower stimulates the metabolism in the body, increases the speed of blood circulation, strengthens cardiovascular system, increases stamina and rejuvenates the body. Try to experiment, serially including water of different temperatures. First, soak under warm water, then turn on the hot water, then make dousing with cold. Remember to start to cool the body top, and in any case it is not necessary to push yourself to the chill.

Tip 5: go to sleep at the same time

In order for the body to was comfortable to Wake up in the morning, you need to build the correct graph. Try to sleep and Wake up at the same time. This will not only save you from unpleasant consequences of lack of sleep, but will stay awake throughout the day.

And to ensure yourself a good mood for the whole day, put instead of annoying alarms to your favorite tune. If you combine the rise of dance moves, that morning does not seem to be an ordeal.

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