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Can I lose weight with yoga

Можно ли похудеть с помощью йогиYoga is not a quick diet pill, but nevertheless, regular practice of yoga slimming helps to get rid of excess weight.

Do not think that if all the movements in yoga are slow and smooth, it will not help you lose weight.

In fact, this static load is no worse than the 20 min run.

In addition, yoga involves a complex effect on the body. Not to be unfounded, consider the benefits that yoga can give, and will understand how it helps to lose weight.

The burning of calories.

Despite the calm pace of the lesson, during the workout you burn enough calories, especially if you choose the Ashtanga Vinya sayogo or any dynamic kind of yoga.

Strengthening muscles.

The asanas involves the static tension and stretching. This activity enables you to enhance muscle tone, not pumping them. A huge variety of asanas will help to work every muscle of your body, including problem areas.

The development of flexibility.

In addition to what you gain flexibility and grace, and stretches the muscles and improves blood circulation, which in turn, positively affects the metabolism and promotes the excretion of toxins from the body. And it directly contributes to weight loss.

Getting rid of stress.

Proven that stress interfere with to lose weight , and it happens for two reasons. First, the thing is emitted from the stress hormones that stimulate fat accumulation in the body. Secondly, stress very often causes overeating.
Unlike other workouts, yoga you’re not just “blowing off steam” or calm down and acquire steadiness and calm on a deeper level.

Loss of appetite.

Yoga will help you learn to distinguish true hunger from wanting to eat something delicious. The fact is that during class you have to focus on breath, postures, sensations in your body and this will inevitably cause you to better understand your body. In addition, after the yoga the body releases special hormones of pleasure – endrofin. Thanks to them you get rid of negative emotions and forget about the worries you the feeling of hunger.

To make a choice.

If you’ve decided to enroll in yoga, in front of you the main question arises: which direction to choose? Focus primarily on your character and temperament.
1.Do you like active strength training? Then you probably will like Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga.
2.Prefer a relaxed pace? Sign up for Iyengar yoga.
3. Want a break from workouts and relieve stress after a working day? Stop for yoga meditation.

Hope you choose what suits you, and may, in addition to all the above advantages of yoga you will discover another pleasure.

Control the body, control of the movement.

A few simple exercises.
1. Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Spread your arms out to the sides (fingers pointing up). Stand up straight, breathe evenly and calmly.
2. Put the legs wider than the shoulders. Now lock your fingers into the lock and raise your arms above your head. Stand still for 30 seconds.
3. Take the same pose as in the previous exercise. Not changing position of hands, turn trunk to the right. Go back to your original position, then slowly turn the body to the left.

A reminder for beginners.

– The ideal time for yoga is considered the morning – before Breakfast.
In a different time of day to begin classes only after 3-4 hours after a meal.
– Clothes should be spacious,not hinder movement and does not cover the body.
– Perform recommended asanas on the Mat or litter from natural fabrics.

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