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Called the easiest way to quickly and easily get to sleep

Назван самый простой способ легко и быстро уснутьScientists from the University of Illinois proved that the easiest and most effective way to improve the quality and duration of sleep – a communication with nature.

At least, this applies to men of all ages and women older than 65 years.

Scientists have conducted extensive research among tens of thousands of Americans who answered questions about the duration and quality of sleep, but also about where and how often they spend their leisure time.

It turned out that there is a direct relationship between the nature and quality of sleep. The average person who lives close to parkland, the river, lake or sea, and uses it – that is, walking daily, or sports – is better sleep and much less likely to suffer from insomnia.

But people who imprison themselves in apartment or living in a “concrete jungle”, more likely to have sleep problems.

The authors of the study recommend that people seek as much time to spend in nature, and city officials – to ensure that large Park area was available to every resident of their city.

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