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Called bad habits, “killing” heart

Названы вредные привычки, "убивающие" сердцеTOP 5 bad habits for heart health.

Everyone wants to have a healthy heart. However, from cardiovascular diseases affecting 1 in 3 adults.

The good news is that the lifestyle change will help to reduce the risk.

1. You don’t pay attention to the snoring

In addition to moral discomfort, snoring can be a symptom of something more serious for example obstructive sleep apnea. This is temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, which provokes hanging blood pressure and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2. You abuse alcohol

Some studies show that small amounts of alcohol good for your heart. But we are talking about the glass, not the bottle. An excess of alcohol is associated with the risk of high blood pressure, blood fat levels and heart failure.

3. You overeat

Eating large amounts of food is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Statistics show that about 72% of men and 64% of women are overweight or obese. Reduce the size of portions, do not overdo it with high-calorie carbs and replace sugary drinks with water.

4. You don’t get checked by a doctor

Cardiovascular disease, including stroke, heart disease and heart failure, requires more attention. You always think you will not touch it and take regular checkups at the doctor. High blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, overweight and Smoking are risk factors that need to keep under control.

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5. Do you smoke or live with smokers

About the dangers of Smoking you’ve heard a thousand times and this will be one thousand and one. Doctors say that the nicotine and tar is a disaster for the heart. Smoking contributes to the appearance of clots that can block blood flow to the heart and contribute to the accumulation of plaques in the arteries. By the way, about 46000 non-smokers living with a smoker die from heart disease every year.

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