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US news: a weapon without permission was ordered?

The theme of weapons in the USA, apparently, will remain open forever. The U.S. government has deepened so much in the decision of foreign policy problems that it ignores increasing exponentially the number of victims in a shooting in cities. This is not surprising. Every year the number of States …

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From the life of a herbivore

Seven celebrities who will not think they are vegans Usually, when it comes to the plant-based diet, it is easy to imagine its adherents — the Hollywood Actresses and skinny models, willing to do anything for the sake of beauty. Actually veganism people adhere to different specifications and shapes — …

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A living symbol of the Arctic

Soon the hottest place on the planet is at risk of becoming cold Arctic, where hidden more than 25% of the global reserves of oil and gas. The volume of Arctic light oil in monetary terms amount to an astronomical sum of 8.5 trillion dollars. Not surprisingly, all of the …

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bbc news, Russian arms for Azerbaijan: to sell or not to sell?

Bbc news. The day ended with an unexpected visit to Baku by Vice-Premier Dmitry Rogozin. Intrigue travel was added that there was no official information that prompted Rogozin, together with the management of Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport, the Federal service for military-technical cooperation (FSMTC), so suddenly to visit the capital …

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