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The Ministry of construction proposes to equalize the penalty for alterations to residential and non-residential premises

Penalties for alterations to residential and non-residential premises want to equalize. The relevant amendments to the Housing code and the Code of administrative offences of preparing the Ministry of construction. Under plans, the innovation will come into force in summer 2016, reports IA “SeverInform” referring to the newspaper “Izvestia”. The …

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Loans in Russia in 2015 has fallen by almost 1.5 times

Russian banks in 2015 issued 21.7 million new loans totaling more than 2.4 trillion rubles, while their number in comparison with the previous year decreased by 29%, while the volume of loans by 46%, according to the United credit Bureau (OKB). Reducing the number of deliveries in comparison with last …

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In Boston there was a leak of ammonia killed one person

A major leak of ammonia occurred at the warehouse of a seafood company Stavis Seafoods in the U.S. city of Boston (Massachusetts). As a result of the incident killed an employee of the company, reports TASS. The incident occurred on Wednesday, March 23. The warehouse is located on one of …

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Russia can leave the s-400 in Syria

Russia can leave anti-aircraft missile systems s-400 in Syria for some time, the head of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security Viktor Ozerov. Earlier today it became known that at the airbase Hamim in Syria began preparing planes for flights in the Russian Federation. Technicians inspect the aircraft, …

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