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Tasteless the food was “liking” the brain

Neuroscientists from Yale University discovered neural circuits responsible for pleasure from a delicious food, as well as for assessing the nutritional value of food. A study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience. Many animals, choosing between nutritious food with an unpleasant taste and a delicious, but non-nutrient food, prefer the …

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Vegetarians and meat eaters. Who to be

The most common question a vegetarian to meat-eater: “How can you eat meat if it causes suffering of innocent animals?”Let’s face it. The term “vegetarianism” appeared in 1842 in the UK, where it was founded and the first vegetarian society. And in 1908, the fashion for this trend has swept …

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To the question of the right of mining

“Unjust laws are not moral obligations” — this is a later interpretation of the words of thinkers of Ancient Rome reflects the state of Affairs in the field of hunting and hunting economy of our country. The need and essence of the law is incomprehensible and alien to the majority …

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A farewell to arms

Than fill emptying shelves of gun shops The market for civilian firearms (GSO) is compressed because of sanctions and economic turmoil. “Foreign” gradually disappear from the shelves, and the large Russian arms are not yet able to fill the freed niches. But expand the range and increase the output of …

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Obesity from lack of sleep

The researchers concluded that lack of sleep causes people to overeat. The researchers conducted an experiment in which test subjects evaluated appetite, hunger, mood, level of anxiety, the number of calories and amount of sleep. The volunteers each hour took blood test. Read more in the article “lack of Sleep …

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Whether you want to hide resources from your hunter?

The crisis state policy in the field of hunting and use of game animals is obvious. Essentially, this is the so-called historical crisis of nihilism that denies the preceding phases of social development. In our case — hunting. But the question is, whether it is state? Even a cursory glance …

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The Russians will tell the whole truth about palm oil

As it became known “to the Russian newspaper”, the food producers will begin a targeted campaign to raise the level of consumer literacy. In particular, they will conduct explanatory work in the case of “food scandals”. For example, through the use of palm oil, or study quality sausage. To start …

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Small toxin, dangerous Yes. Or who’s the boss?

Many are probably familiar with the condition in which no matter how much sleep, fatigue is not. When I lie down and Wake up with the same feeling of a total lack of sleep. When everything goes wrong, things are not done, the state of the viscosity of thought is …

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