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130 year old rifle sold for $ 1.3 million

In the United States since the auction was sold to a vintage Winchester rifle manufactured in 1886. She was rescued 1,265 million dollars. The auction was conducted by the firm Rock Island Auction Company (Illinois). About it reports Luxurylaunches. The weapon, according to the publication, well preserved. This rifle has …

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Hungarian chefs have called the best in the world

Hungarian chefs have called the best in the world — chef tamás Salem and his team were awarded the honorary prize “Golden Bocuse”. It is reported portal Hungary Today. The final competition was held in Budapest on Wednesday, may 11. The Hungarian team, consisting of Tamasha of Sale and three …

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In Novosibirsk, the cannon was rolled out on a busy Avenue

In Novosibirsk on a busy Avenue rolled out the cannon, which originally was hitched to the truck, reports Life. The incident occurred after a rehearsal of the festive events dedicated to Victory Day. Artillery gun after test firing returned to camp, but along the way it unhooked and drove alone …

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What silent TASS

. TASS did not say a word about what had to endure cosmonaut Boris Volynova In the Soviet movie “Return from orbit” is a curious episode. In a train compartment – two men. Radio report on the launch of the spacecraft. – Well, again! exclaims the first man. – Think …

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Thou shalt not covet my brand

As a famous Corporation “nightmares” of their twins In business, as in war, there are no rules. And if you suddenly invented a brilliant product that can successfully be sold on the market, you need to rush to register the rights to it and the brand. What to do if …

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American attack aircraft fell into the Atlantic ocean

Attack vertical takeoff and landing Corps of the U.S. marine corps AV-8B Harrier II fell on Friday, may 6, in the Atlantic ocean near the coast of North Carolina. It is reported by WWAY TV, citing the press release of the marine Corps. The incident occurred at about 17:05 local …

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