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The friendly cannibals

The journey in the primitive jungle of Borneo with the “magic bird” CD and skulls The island of Kalimantan (formerly Borneo) is a very special region of Malaysia. Unlike the mainland, it is inhabited by warlike tribes of dajaks, which translated from Malay means dismissive of “Gentiles.” “Ribbon.<url>” went to …

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Reflections on the spring currents

  The last fifteen years I have been fortunate to conduct annual spring hunting in a remote area of the Kostroma region, in Kologrivsky area. For ten years before that I was hunting in the North of Yaroslavl region, the Nekouz district. All this time the main object of observation, …

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On GUAM crashed American B-52 bomber

  Strategic bomber B-52 U.S. air force crashed shortly after takeoff from an air base on the island of GUAM, all seven crew members managed to leave the plane. Reported by the Associated Press. The crash occurred at the airbase ” Andersen on Thursday, may 19, at 08:30 local time …

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The warriors-winners

  I, as the son of a war veteran, not once was lucky enough to hear stories about how cruel time. Well remember then still young, full of energy men and women with numerous orders and medals on his chest. Remember and mutilated, in a manky uniform, with decorations, but …

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Foreign banks after leaving Russia bear serious losses

Foreign banks, which got rid of subsidiaries on Russian territory, in total lost about 1.9 billion rubles. They suffered losses not only due to the liquidation of the business in the country, as well as from the sale. This information was made public in the report of the National rating …

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Adviser to the head of the MES found with a broken head

Valeria Chujkova, adviser to the head EMERCOM of Russia Vladimir Puchkov, was found on the street in Central Moscow without consciousness. It is reported Life. According to the information portal, the official beat, he received a fracture of the vault and base of skull, closed cherepno-a brain trauma and a …

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