Home / Incredible / British scientists believe intuition is more important than experience

British scientists believe intuition is more important than experience

Британские ученые уверены: интуиция важнее опытаFor many members of the human race intuition is a kind of lifeline, but not everyone can fully trust her.

Sometimes intuition is stronger than life experience.

In some situations, you cannot rely on what has already happened in life, and Vice versa, you need to listen to your inner voice and do as he suggests.

The scientists during their observations noted that people tend to make decisions based on life experience, not as suggested by his intuition. This can, in turn, lead to errors. Experts say that we should not so much rely on the experience, it is not always correct and effective, because it is full of their disadvantages.

Psychologists insist that people need to listen more to the sixth sense, it helps to avoid unnecessary problems and make the right choice.

According to scientists, a person acts on the basis of experience. However, in stressful situations, when there is no time for reflection and analysis of the situation, it is the inner voice that can guide on the right path, and helps not to stumble in your choice.

According to psychologists, intuition is a unique human capacity, its formation occurred throughout the period of evolution, is not a phenomenon one day. Life experience is acquired only by one person and in certain situations, so it is much “already the effects”.

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