Home / Incredible / Boeing declared intention to beat SpaceX to land a man on Mars

Boeing declared intention to beat SpaceX to land a man on Mars

Boeing заявил о намерении опередить SpaceX в высадке человека на МарсBoeing will create the spacecraft for tourists new era.

The Boeing company intends to stay ahead of SpaceX in the implementation of the first manned flight to Mars. On Tuesday, October 4, announced President and chief Executive officer of the group Dennis Muilenburg.

“I’m sure the first person to set foot on Mars, will get there by rocket Boeing”, — said Muilenburg, noting that this area is of particular interest to the company.

He believes that “in the next few decades, space tourism is waiting to bloom in a viable commercial market.” The CEO also spoke about the possibility of construction on the ISS hotels and companies for the study of the conditions of microgravity.

In addition, Mulenburg promised that Boeing will create spacecraft for tourists new era. He also noted the potential of the aircraft, the speed of which is three times the speed of sound.

On 28 September, the head of the company SpaceX, an American businessman Elon Musk, speaking at the 67th Congress of the International Federation of Astronautics, held in the Mexican city of Guadalajara, presented a draft of the interplanetary transportation systems ITS (Interplanetary Transport System), designed for the colonization of Mars. It is assumed that the red planet will be built a fully Autonomous settlement, where half a century will move a million people.

Musk said that his company is developing a spacecraft that will be able to take on Board about 100 passengers and 450 tons of cargo. Each Shuttle will be able to make 12-15 flights. Head of SpaceX expects that by 2035, Mars will fly over 80 days. The original ticket will cost ten billion dollars, later, when the number of passengers will increase twice, the price drops to 200 thousand dollars.

SpaceX intends to pursue manned missions to the Red planet in the next ten years, the exact date of the first flight the head of the company was not named, but assumed it might be in 2020.

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