Home / Game / Blizzard is going to abandon the name Battle.net

Blizzard is going to abandon the name Battle.net

Blizzard собирается отказаться от названия Battle.netThe changes will introduce in a few months.

When you think about the network service Battle.net whether you have an Association with Blizzard Entertainment? For sure there! But, it seems, not all people are the same perspicacious and quick-witted as you, so Blizzard is going to abandon the name Battle.net.

How to write the developers in the official statement, Battle.net created in a time when such services were a rarity. So Blizzard tried to give a succinct and telling name, which could describe the functions of the technology. Now, however, users do not need to explain the basic principles, so before the Studio there was another problem: the service name is too different from the company name, which leads to confusion.

So Blizzard has decided to rename Battle.net. Now the company puts the names of their services, the word “Blizzard”. The sound of all this will be something like “Streaming Blizzard” and “Blizzard Voice”.

The changes will introduce in a few months. Most likely, the functions Battle.net it will not change.

It is worth noting that Battle.net existed in the gaming industry almost two decades: Blizzard launched the service in November of 1996, in tandem with the release of the first Diablo.

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