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Best products to increase the productivity of the brain

Лучшие продукты для повышения продуктивности мозгаTo recharge your brain and a little cheer can not only coffee.

When work has accumulated a lot, and there is no power, do not hurry to run to the pharmacy for “doping” and just use the right products.

To your attention the TOP 10 healthy foods for good productivity of the brain.

1. Blueberries

Constant consumption of blueberries helps to improve memory and even prevent its momentary loss, found researchers from the United States. For best results, experts recommend combining the use of blueberries and special exercises for the development of memory.

2. Whole grains

The whole grain foods are slow carbs, which continuously release glucose into our bloodstream and provides your brain a boost of energy for a long time. Doctors recommend to use brown, raw cereals, whole wheat bread and pasta made of coarse flour.

3. Fatty fish

In the consumption of fatty fish, 19% reduced chance to encounter memory problems. Our body essential fatty acids are essential, say nutritionists. In addition to fish, a good source of omega-3 can be flax oil and soybeans, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil and soya beans.

It is noteworthy that even thermally cooked oily fish retains a sufficient amount of healthy fats.

4. Tomatoes

Scientists have proved that tomatoes contain lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant which protects our body from free radicals, which, in turn, provoke the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Black currant

Mental activity has a good effect Vitamin C . The best source is currant. One teaspoon contains the daily dose of this is good for brain vitamin.

6. Pumpkin seeds

To get a daily dose of zinc is to eat a handful of pumpkin seeds a day. It is necessary to improve memory and thinking skills, experts say.

7. Broccoli

Excellent source of vitamin K, which, as you know, enhances cognitive function and improves brainpower.

8. Sage

Sage has a reputation for plants, and improves memory. Studies have shown that the thing in essential oils, so the inclusion of sage in the diet is necessary.

9. Walnuts

The intake of vitamin E reduces cognitive disorders (memory disorders), especially in the elderly. A good source of vitamin E are nuts, especially walnuts. This may also include green leafy vegetables, olives, eggs and asparagus.

10. Green tea

Drinking green tea regularly reduces the development of dementia – dementia is an acquired, persistent decline in cognitive activity loss in varying degrees of previously acquired knowledge and practical skills.

This was stated by Japanese scientists who conducted the study with participation by more than 700 seniors over 60 years.
It is noteworthy that even those who drank green tea only 1 time a week showed good results.

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