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Best diet to increase libido

Лучшая диета для повышения либидоDoctors told which diet is able to increase sexual desire.

Low calorie diet different positive effects which side it nor look for American scientists, the study of which showed a beneficial effect of a diet low in calories sexual desire and overall quality of sex life.

Determining when a low calorie diet and a high libido became possible due to extensive and prolonged study, which was conducted by the staff of the Biomedical research center Pennington involving two hundred volunteers, who agreed to change their usual diet for the sake of science.

The volunteers, whose average age was 38 years, were 70% women and 30% men. In the beginning of the experiment they filled in a detailed questionnaire, responding in particular to questions about libido and quality of sex. In addition to the intimate sphere, researchers were interested in the vitality of respondents and their prevailing mood.

Then their usual diet has undergone some modification, becoming 25% less calories. To track changes in the subject’s organism, the researchers needed to wait two years, after which the volunteers once again answered the familiar questions, noting their greatly increased libido, and overall stronger health.

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