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Belevsky the prize will be awarded for a proof of Fermat’s last theorem

Абелевскую премию вручат за доказательство Великой теоремы Ферма

Belevskoe the winner of the award was the British mathematician Andrew wiles, who in 1994 presented a proof of Fermat’s last theorem. The decision of the International mathematical Union and the European mathematical society announced the President of the Norwegian Academy of science and literature OLE Sejersted, reported on the official website of the award.

“New ideas introduced by Wiles in scientific use, paved the way for subsequent breakthroughs, — said the head of the Committee Belevskoe Yon of Rognes. Few mathematical problems are of such a rich scientific history and is a striking proof how the Great Fermat’s theorem”.

The great Fermat’s theorem asserts that for any natural number n > 2 the equation an + bn = cn has no solutions in nonzero whole numbers a, b, c. For the first time this statement formulated more than 300 years ago the French mathematician Pierre Fermat.

Scientist have not brought the proof of the theorem. For the first time this has been accomplished by the Wiles. For this mathematician used the theory of elliptic curves. Proof of the scientist took more than 200 pages of text.

The award ceremony will take place in Oslo on 24 may. The reward amount is 700 thousand dollars. The prize is awarded annually since 2003. At different times its winners was Russian math Yakov Sinai and Mikhail Gromov.

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