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Became known, some drivers often get into accidents

Стало известно, какие водители чаще всего попадают в аварииIrritable and aggressive men and women are often other people involved in an accident.

Leading researchers have implemented an interesting experiment, the result of which allowed psychologists to determine which drivers are at high risk for an accident.

It should be noted that the initiators of complex projects have become employees of the Centre for addiction and mental health located in Canada. It is reported that in the course of the observations, experts have recorded a certain pattern. It turned out that irritable and aggressive men and women are often other people involved in an accident.

According to experts, the accident could provoke even the slightest manifestation of aggression. Shouts, obscene gestures and foul language – all this has an impact on the emotional state of a person. This behavior is evident in 33% of the population of Canada.

Researchers have determined that irritable drivers are 78% more likely to get into accidents than calm drivers.

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