Home / Medicine / Autumn nutritionists recommend a diet with these fruits

Autumn nutritionists recommend a diet with these fruits

Диетологи рекомендуют осеннюю диету с этими фруктами Seasonal fruits can be an excellent basis for the diet, which will allow people to lose weight and even improve your health, eating at this sweet and juicy products.

In the autumn to find really useful fruits in stores is quite difficult, therefore experts advise to pay attention to a number of signs that indicate that the fruits are properly stored and are not processed with chemicals, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Telegraph.

One of the most useful fruits experts believe apples. At the same time, the most valuable are those who grew up in Ukraine – despite the fact that outwardly they may look less attractive than their foreign counterparts.

“We all know the horror stories about the processed paraffin and even gas the fruit – such, alas, happens. However, Ukrainian apples often get stale on the shelves and trampled, but even so, they contain much more valuable trace elements. The main symptom of fresh and processed Apple smell, so do not hesitate to smell the fruits before buying. If characteristic pleasant aroma is not – most likely, these apples have finished. Should also alert “glitter” – that Apple clearly gave a presentation to him soon bought,” says the doctor, Victoria Savitskaya.

Least favorite Ukrainians fruit – banana. Also often sold in processed form. The black specks on the fruit should be alerted – this is not a sign of spoilage, but longer than a day or two they will lie, and to store them in the refrigerator is generally prohibited.

“This is probably one of the few examples of when to choose a slightly greenish fruit is wiser than ready. First, bananas are very quickly dostavayte themselves with him, just lying on the table. Secondly, bananas do not collect yellow if they ripen on the Bush, the taste become very starchy and not sweet. Sing because they are already on the way to the supermarkets. Because, the greener the bananas you purchased – the more recent they were foiled and, therefore, the vitamins in them more and keep them longer you can,” advises the expert.

The only thing you should pay attention when choosing twigs of bananas – what would the spine was not dark, and the peel was of uniform color, without dents and darkish sites.

Selection of citrus in autumn and winter can be much more simple, because it is a seasonal fruit, so the risk of buying something of poor quality and stale is very low. Fresh citrus is stored quite a long time, as long as the skins they were not damaged, the fruits were not flattened and not frozen on the road. Ideally, the peel of a ripe fruit should be bright orange. It can be defined as slightly squeezing the peel of tangerine or orange – ripe fruit to worry. hit the droplets of juice.

Choose lemons also need appearance. The skin should be free of blemishes and look slightly shiny (matte skin – a sign of immaturity of the fetus). A good lemon should be firm to the touch.

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