Home / Incredible / Astronomers were able to see and to record edge of the Sun

Astronomers were able to see and to record edge of the Sun

Астрономы смогли увидеть и зафиксировать край СолнцаScientists described the mechanisms of the origin of the solar wind.

According to an article published in The Astrophysical Journal, the American scientists and astronomers on the basis of the NASA STEREO Observatory were able to see and to record edge of the Sun, thus described the mechanisms of the origin of the solar wind.

As you know, the sun consists of plasma, which is formed at high temperatures and under the influence of reactions of thermonuclear synthesis. Further, under the action of gravity and magnetic field of the star material the so-called solar crown rushes into space filling the solar system invisible substance, which was named the solar wind.

Scientists have found that the moment of separation of plasma from the Sun, the star loses part of the magnetic field (Magnetic Control, as called by the authors). Exactly at the same time forms the edge of the sun” — outside crown.

As explained by lead author Craig Deforest and his colleague Nicholas Viol: “the farther from the Sun, the faster decrease of the magnetic field. In the end, the material looks more like a gas rather than a magnetically structured plasma. We now have a global picture of the evolution of the solar wind. It really will change our understanding of the evolution of the space environment”.

Well, to demonstrate research on YouTube-channel NASA had released a video, available for viewing below:

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