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As the number of sexual partners affects the health

Как число половых партнеров отражается на здоровьеPolygamy increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease by 4 times.

Researchers have shown that the number of sexual partners affects the health of the cardiovascular system of the stronger sex.

Researchers from the clinical centre, located in Jeddah, implemented a unique experiment. It should be noted that during laboratory observations, the doctors involved men, whose age ranged from 55 to 65 years. Among the respondents were boys, married to one, two, three or four girls.

It turned out that the number of sexual partners affects the health of the stronger sex. Scientists have documented that the more wives had the volunteers, the large amount of heart disease suffered subjects. According to experts, men married to multiple women, 4 times more likely to have heart disease.

One reason for this phenomenon is that the polygamists do not have enough time to rest.

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