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As and when you need to properly eat fruit

Как и когда нужно правильно употреблять фруктыFor anybody not a secret that fruits are fraught with enormous amount of nutrients and minerals. But not everyone remembers that everything is good in moderation.

After the transition to powered entirely by the fruits does not give good results, and can only aggravate the condition of the body. So, for example, citrus can lead to an exacerbation of gastritis or duodenal ulcers.

It is important to know that fruits contain fructose, one of the two simple sugars along with glucose. Together, these two elements make up ordinary table sugar. So to overeat fruit – means to provide themselves with too much fructose, which would promote the deposition of fat. For an adult, a normal 2-3 fruit per day or 60-200 grams, depending on which fruits are eaten.

So, with the number decided, you now need to understand how and when to eat them. Fruits when interacting with other food in the stomach begin to ferment and sour. So you need to pause before and after meals to fruits dropped in an empty stomach and went further down the gastro-intestinal tract prior to stomach anything else.

It is not recommended to eat fruit in the afternoon, that is after 18:00. They contain large amounts of sugar, is metabolized by the liver at a later time. The body needs to spend fat, but it turns out that it first converts the sugar, and then does most of the work. In this they are not vegetables that can be eaten at any time of the day or night.

So, we derive the General formula: 2-3 fruit for half an hour before eating and an hour and a half after eating, but no later than 18:00. Following these rules, you will provide yourself with sufficient vitamins, acids and other Goodies and also daily allowance of fructose and glucose (provided that sugar as a separate product, are excluded from the diet), will be full of energy and avoid excess fat.

It must be remembered that there must always be diversity, since different fruits contain different substances and they are rich in different vitamins. Take a closer look at such a bright representative of this class of products, such as banana.

We bananas are very popular in the world and is generally the most common for eating fruit.

In bananas per 100 g contains 1,1–1.87 g protein, 0,016–0,4 grams of fat and 19.3–25.8 g of carbohydrates. Also banana is a major source of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, b vitamins, vitamin e and ascorbic acid. Bananas are beneficial to the cardiovascular system (reduces the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction), improves skin, normalizes blood pressure, is useful in nephritis and liver disease, urolithiasis, with dielectric bleeding, and stomatitis, as well as uplifting.

Thus, we can conclude that it is a common belief that bananas make you fat. Get fat from overeating, and bananas get nutrients!

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