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American scientists have invented a transparent tree

Американские учёные изобрели прозрачное деревоThe biggest sample transparent tree was about the size of a palm.

Scientists at the University of Maryland, College Park (USA) using two-stage chemical process managed to create a unique material — transparent wood.

It is a better insulator than glass, thus biodegradable and can be used in the construction and manufacture of furniture in the near future.

It is noted that the researchers were able to remove the natural color of wood, so he turned transparent.

“We were surprised at how transparent he can be,” said one of the authors of the development liangbin Hu. — It opens new opportunities and has the potential to replace some glass and optical materials”.

To achieve the desired effect, scientists chemically remove the lignin – the substance that gives wood color. After that, they introduced the epoxy resin, whereby the strength of the material increased several times. In addition to the strength of the new material has another valuable feature. According to Hu, it lets in more light.

Scientists from Maryland have yet to perfect the design. Their technique worked only with small pieces of wood. The biggest sample transparent tree was about the size of a palm. The maximum thickness was about an inch. Currently, Hu and his colleagues are working on obtaining larger samples.

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