Home / Science and technology / American hacker broke into the website of the Russian foreign Ministry

American hacker broke into the website of the Russian foreign Ministry

Американский хакер взломал сайт МИДа РоссииAmerican hacker nicknamed The Jester (Jester) broke the website of the Russian foreign Ministry and left a warning.

It is reported by CNN.

“The Jester left on the website of the Ministry of foreign Affairs the following text: “Comrades! We interrupt this broadcast of the website of the Russian foreign Minister to convey the following important message: stop it. Maybe you get to push around neighboring countries but this is America. Here is anyone not impressed”, – stated in the message.

The hacker said that so I wanted to respond to a major cyber attack, which did not work part of the American sites. According to him, they were attacked by representatives of Russia. At the same time, Russia has not reported cyber-attacks on the foreign Ministry website there is no official confirmation of the hack.

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