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Again the Jews are to blame, brother?

Buckles will fasten rossiyushke and throw up from oblivion all the great Russian shit, saving centuries in the environment the most “gifted” of the Russians, who failed to create anything actually Russian, copying the accomplishments and discoveries of hostile West.

Professor of the Mining University of St. Petersburg Alexei] stated that the Ministry of education encourages corruption, and combating plagiarism engaged in “liberal-Jewish clan.”

“Now the liberal Jewish clan – “Desertnet”, “Echo of the Matzo”, Shvaboda etc. zhurnashlyuhi – ran into Russian science. And if the Russian science will not defend itself, it is to protect anybody in this country will be gone, that’s a fact”, – quotes the words of the scientist to the portal “Fontanka” and adds that “Russian science”, according to Nedosekina, represents Mining University” http://cursorinfo.co.il/news/xussr/2016/05/17/professor-iz-peterburga-prizval-zashitit-russkuyu-nauku-ot-iudeev-/.

I wonder what will become of the “great Russian science” if it is to remove all non-Russians: Jews, Germans and other geyropeytsev, poles, Ukrainians?

Mikhailo Vasilevich Lomonosov? And he studied the Germans and, in spite of Russian patriotism, married to a German woman.

Science, at its core, outside the national, she engaged a capable, talented and brilliant individuals in a free exchange of scientific ideas and achievements, new tools and techniques of research, taking into account the mistakes of predecessors.

Completely different is closed in the national “sharashka” science – it “develops” through the theft of others ‘ achievements, acting in most cases by trial and error, that is, in the mode of the 18th – 19th centuries.

Thanks to the “closed” Stalin science Soviet Union lagged behind the scientific achievements of the civilized world forever.

However, the leaders of the Stalinist science lived happily ever after, but from time to time, for many a “celebration of life” ended in shootings on the ground.

Apparently, his academic career, Professor] sees in shades of pink?

Снова евреи во всем виноваты, брат?

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