Home / Game / After four years of fighting artificial intelligence have completely abandoned the strategy of war

After four years of fighting artificial intelligence have completely abandoned the strategy of war

After four years of fighting artificial intelligence have completely abandoned the strategy of war in Quake III

После четырех лет боев искусственный интеллект полностью отказался от стратегии войны

Four gaming network research project on battle scenarios in the computer game Quake III unexpectedly concluded with a complete stop fighting. According to the creators of the project, they repeatedly tested their system and found that the game bots created by artificial intelligence do not participate in the fighting. The project for some time was forgotten and there was offline on the server, after one player checked the records over a long period of time and found that in the gaming space has long no one is killed. Game bots stopped attacking each other.

Project member Erik Kain even tried to provoke the system to make game bots to attack it, coming into the playing area with arms. However, the robots just ignored him, only turning to face him and rearranging. According to the Creator of the system, he still refuses to believe that artificial intelligence has itself determined that the best way to stay alive, is a rejection of the strategy of war.

После четырех лет боев искусственный интеллект полностью отказался от стратегии войны

The author of the article, accidentally discovered this effect proposes to continue research on several other platforms in the coming years. According to him, artificial intelligence was clearly smarter than most people and this will require further research.


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