Home / Medicine / About any illness says the pain in the feet when walking

About any illness says the pain in the feet when walking

О каких болезнях говорит боль в стопах при ходьбеMany people experience when walking pain in the foot and wonder what causes it?

To accurately determine the cause of pain in foot when walking, you need to pass an examination by experts. Most likely will be assigned to the x-ray or ultrasound examination. And without that you can appeal some assumptions, since a lot of diseases that can cause such pain. Uncomfortable and painful feelings can be not only a consequence of a disease, but a result of wearing uncomfortable (narrow, high heeled) shoes.

But most often pains in the feet, which occur or are enhanced when walking can be due to injuries or soft tissue injuries (blisters, scrapes, plantar warts). But prevail among the root causes of different diseases affecting the entire musculoskeletal system of the foot or only. It can be osteoporosis or diabetes.

Foot pain can occur in rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis – typically, these diseases affect multiple joints. If the pain is in the front of the foot (metatarsal bone just below the fingers), it could be due to the development of Morton’s neuroma (neuroma milusheva). This is a benign swelling of the tissues of the plantar nerve, which is usually localized between the bases of the third and fourth toe. Morton’s neuroma manifests itself most often moderate pain, a burning sensation, feeling stuck in the foot of the stone. But the pain definitely increases when wearing shoes with a narrow toe box or high heels.

When well when walking the heel hurts, it may indicate the presence of a fairly common bone disease – “heel spurs”, which looks like a growth on the heel bone.

Other than the character unpleasant sensations in the foot during walking and their localization, a major role in the time of determine the reasons for such a discomfort state plays in the time of day at which they appear.

If the pain in the morning immediately after waking up, this may be the consequence of plantar fasciitis – inflammation of a certain area of the connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot. From plantar fasciitis often affects people who are forced to stay long in standing position or Vice versa – to move a lot.

When each step is difficult in the evening after a long and heavy load, it can talk about the basic muscle fatigue or flat feet.

If the pain is accompanied by redness, swelling in a particular area of the foot – so can manifest itself in arthritis or rheumatism. But then again, it could be symptoms of bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule), gout (deposition of uric acid in the joints). Usually in gout suffering from the defeat of the big toe. People say that in this case, the pain is so strong that we are not even talking about any movement, any touch to the foot, quite painful.

Inflammation of the ligaments (ligaments) cause microtrauma that typically get athletes with excessive loads on the foot. But the pain in this case can be localized in any part of the foot.

When the ligament redness and swelling mild. But pain that is worse when walking quickly and alone, distributed on the lower leg. In this patient, may even have a fever, experience a hypersensitivity to cold, numbness and paleness of feet. All of this suggests poor circulation in the lower extremities and may be the result of atherosclerosis.

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